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基于文献计量的湖泊抗性基因研究进展与热点分析 张玲 2021-12-08 环境科学学报 北大核心期刊,CSCD
Facile synthesis of PEGylated dendritic polyurethane as unimolecular micelles for ultrasound-triggered localized drug delivery 陈渭 2021-12-01 Polymer Chemistry SCI
泡沫分离法纯化葫芦巴中薯蓣皂苷及抗氧化性的研究 王志娟(学),张炜 2021-12-01 中国粮油学报 CSCD
玛纳斯湖卤水自然蒸发析盐规律及硼、锂富集规律研究 边绍菊 2021-11-10 无机盐工业 北大核心期刊
《地方院校数学师范生TPACK的年级差异性分析——以青海省为例》 王煜,郭承育 2021-11-03 《数学教育学报》 北大核心期刊,CSSCI
Construction of graphitic-N-rich TiO2-N-C interfaces via dye dissociation and reassembly for efficient oxygen evolution reaction Ke Lu(外),Zongyuan Wang(外),Bin Dai(外),You Han(外),Xunxin Chen(外),Jie Yu(外), Kun Yang(外),Dezheng Yang(外),马存花,Feng Yu(外) 2021-10-30 Chemical Engineering Journal SCI
“对分课堂+学生演示”的参与式教学方法在无机化学实验中的应用研究 曹佳佳 2021-10-20 教育研究 国外期刊
超声辅助碱-酶法提取牦牛气管硫酸软骨素 曹佳佳 2021-10-20 中国食品工业 一般期刊
水酶法提取藜麦油脂的条件探究 曹佳佳 2021-10-20 现代食品 一般期刊
师范专业认证背景下化学专业实践教学体系建设 郭珍 2021-10-20 青海师范大学学报(自然科学版) 一般期刊
钛氧化物锂离子筛的研究进展 史丹丹(外),许乃才 2021-10-19 应用化工 北大核心期刊,CSCD
超高压处理对青稞苗汁品质的影响 甘文梅(学),张炜 2021-09-20 现代化工 CSCD
Antihypertensive effect of galegine from Biebersteinia heterostemon in rats 王维恩 2021-08-11 Molecule SCI,SCIE
Pt-NbC Compositeas a Bifunctional Catalyst for Redox Transformation of Polysulfides in High-Rate-Performing Lithium−Sulfur Batteries 刘雅静 2021-07-19 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces SCI
C19-diterpenoid alkaloids from the rhizomes of Aconitum pendulum Wang yunjie(学),韩鸿萍 2021-07-10 SCI SCI
初高中化学知识的衔接——以酸碱盐为例 牛雪(学),郭珍 2021-07-10 西部素质教育 一般期刊
Study on Preparation and Photocatalytic Performance of TwoDimensional Carbon Nitride Nanosheet Materials 高强 2021-07-01 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 国际学术会议论文集
大马士革玫瑰精油香气特征成分分析 王维恩 2021-06-20 中成药 北大核心期刊,CSCD
Construction of Z–scheme 1D CdS nanorods_2D ultrathin CeO2 nanosheets toward enhanced photodegradation and hydrogen evolution 高强 2021-06-13 Separation and Purification Technology SCI
亚麻籽胶-紫花苜蓿叶蛋白改性物的制备及乳化性能研究 高红(学),张炜 2021-06-09 天然产物研究与开发 CSCD
超高压处理优化藜麦蛋白的乳化性能 乜世成(学),张炜 2021-06-05 高压物理学报 CSCD
非晶 Nd-Ni-B/NF 稀土复合电极材料的制备及其析氢性能 朱云娜(学),陈必清 2021-06-01 无机材料学报 SCI
麸皮去除废水中Cr(VI)的分析 杨增霞(学),杨林 2021-05-26 应用化工 北大核心期刊
Adsorption of Co(II) from aqueous solution using municipal sludge biochar modified by HNO3 胡春联 2021-05-25 Water Science & Technology SCI
基于教师教学哲学的教师专业发展思考 赵维元 2021-05-18 青海师范大学民族师范学院学报 一般期刊
Effect of Thiourea on Electrodeposited Co–Mg–Nd Alloy Coating in Deep Eutectic Solvents 熊彤彤(学),陈必清 2021-04-10 Russian Journal of Electrochemistry SCI
超支化硼螯合树脂的制备及性能 陈渭 2021-04-01 广州化工 一般期刊
87. Structure of Ternary Nitrate Molten (Hitec) by X-Ray Scattering and Density Functional Theory 赵继颖(学),杨林 2021-03-15 Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry SCI
不同晶型纳米二氧化锰制备及对亚甲基蓝吸附性能 许乃才 2021-03-08 无机盐工业 北大核心期刊,CSCD
Au-decorated semiconducting AlN nanosheet as an electronic sensor for theophylline drug Jinhong Gao(外),高锦红(外),马存花,Ajit Kumar(外) 2021-03-01 Molecular Simulation SCI
化学镀工艺制备高耐腐蚀性能的Ni-Co-B-Pr 复合镀层 朱云娜(学),陈必清 2021-02-25 材料导报 EI
大豆分离蛋白基生物医用材料的制备和应用前景分析 王瑞瑞 2021-02-15 应用化工 CSCD,北大核心期刊
Effect of mtDNA depletion from C6 glioma cells and characteristics of the generated C6ρ0 cells 靳有才 2021-02-15 Molecular Medicine Reports SCI
Efficient activation of peroxymonosulfate by Co-doped mesoporous CeO2 nanorods as a heterogeneous catalyst for phenol oxidation 高强 2021-01-30 Environmental Science and Pollution Research SCI
Enhanced photocatalytic activation of peroxymonosulfate by CeO2 incorporated ZnCo–layered double hydroxide toward organic pollutants removal 高强 2021-01-30 Separation and Purification Technology SCI
An effective approach to the early diagnosis of colorectal cancer based on three-dimensional fluorescence spectra of human blood plasma 殷博 2021-01-30 Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis SCI
川东北普光地区深层富钾卤水钾资源提取研究 边绍菊 2021-01-28 地学前缘 EI
Chemometrics-assisted simultaneous voltammetric determination of multiple neurotransmitters in human serum 殷博 2021-01-11 Bioelectrochemistry SCI
Characterizing bacterial communities in Phragmites australis rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere sediments under pressure of antibiotics in a shallow lake 张玲 2022-12-06 Frontiers in Microbiology SCI
金属有机框架(MOFs)材料在光催化二氧化碳还原领域的应用 范艳 2022-12-03 《化学世界》
Preparation methods and functional characteristics of regenerated keratin-based biofilms 王瑞瑞 2022-11-02 polymers SCI
金属-有机框架材料作为光催化剂降解水中农业污染物 范艳 2022-10-25 《金属功能材料》
青海湖主湖区与湖水淹没区的细菌群落结构差异分析 张炜 2022-10-25 水生生物学报 CSCD
Fluorescent carbon quantum dots-based prodrug nanosponges with outstanding tumor-specific drug delivery and imaging 陈渭 2022-10-22 Advanced Powder Technology SCI
Facile synthesis of ternary dual Z−scheme g−C3N4/Bi2MoO6/CeO2 photocatalyst with enhanced 4–chlorophenol removal: Degradation pathways and mechanism 高强 2022-10-21 Environmental Pollution SCI
抗菌性超支化聚缩水甘油醚水凝胶的制备及性能研究 张思雨(学),崔香 2022-10-20 化工新型材料 CSCD
Occurrence, bioaccumulation and ecological risks of antibiotics in the waterplant-sediment systems in different functional areas of the largest shallow lake in North China: Impacts of river input and historical agricultural activities 张玲 2022-10-05 Sci Total Environ SCI
Optimizing spatial interpolation method and sampling number for predicting cadmium distribution in the largest shallow lake of North China 张玲 2022-10-04 Chemosphere SCI
Rational design of direct Z‑scheme magnetic ZnIn2S4/ZnFe2O4 heterojunction toward enhanced photocatalytic wastewater remediation 高强 2022-10-03 Environmental Science and Pollution Research SCI
藜麦蛋白泡沫分离工艺的优化及功能特性分析 隋成博(学),张炜 2022-09-26 精细化工 EI,CSCD
Preparation of dioscin from trigonella foenum-graecum by foam separation-preparative high-performance liquid chromatography 王志娟(学),张炜 2022-09-26 European Food Research and Technology SCI
Phytoremediation Potential and Physiological Mechanisms for Metallic Extraction of Suaeda glauca, Artemisia desertorum, Atriplex canescens 李昌明 2022-09-26 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health SCI,SSCI
共沉淀法制备氧化镁及其对甲基橙的吸附研究 史正晨 2022-09-23 当代化工研究
导电聚苯胺类缓蚀剂的改性方法及其研究进展 徐海东 2022-09-13 应用化工 CSCD
电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法测定硫酸钾镁肥中的钙镁钠 王兴权 2022-08-30 磷肥与复肥
超高压微射流技术提取对裸藻β-葡聚糖结构和抗氧化活性的影响 乜世成(学),张炜 2022-08-26 精细化工 EI,CSCD
液-液萃取结合GC-MS法测定青稞酒中的 吉生军(学),韩鸿萍 2022-08-22 食品研究与开发 CSCD
角蛋白基药物载体的发展及应用探讨 王瑞瑞 2022-08-13 精细化工 EI
MXene 基聚合物复合水凝胶的研究进展 张思雨(学),崔香 2022-07-28 化工新型材料 CSCD
Use of Svm-Based Ensemble Feature Selection Method for Gene Expression Data Analysis 张世芝(外),张明锦 2022-07-14 Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology SCI
氯化胆碱-尿素体系中电沉积Ni-Fe-Sm析氢催化电极研究 赵静(学),陈必清 2022-06-30 功能材料 CSCD
离子液体协同超高压微射流萃取虾青素及其抗氧化性研究 高红(学),张炜 2022-06-26 现代化工 CSCD
Performance and Structure Evaluation of Gln-Lys Isopeptide Bond Crosslinked USYK-SPI Bioplastic Film Derived from Discarded Yak Hair 王瑞瑞 2022-06-24 polymers SCI
环境友好型耐水解水性聚氨酯的制备与表征 杨智慧,崔香 2022-06-20 塑料工业 CSCD
Fate and ecological risks of antibiotics in water-sediment systems with cultivated and wild Phragmites australis in a typical Chinese shallow lake 张玲 2022-06-15 Chemosphere SCI
金属有机框架(MOFs)材料在染料吸附领域的研究进展 范艳 2022-06-15 《化学世界》 CSCD
Effect of chain extenders with different functionalities on properties of single-component waterborne polyurethane ink binders 杨智慧,崔香 2022-06-07 RSC Advances SCI
Dendritic polyurethane-based prodrug as unimolecular micelles for precise ultrasound-activated localized drug delivery 陈渭 2022-06-01 Materials Today Chemistry SCI
Transcriptome and metabolite profiling analyses reveal the molecular Qiyan Chen(外),韩鸿萍 2022-06-01 Industrial Crops & Products SCI
Promoting polysulfide redox kinetics by tuning the non-metallic p-band of Mo-based compounds 刘雅静 2022-05-23 Journal of Materials Chemistry A SCI
Profiling alkaloids in Aconitum pendulum N. Busch collected from different Jun-Jie Wang(学),韩鸿萍 2022-05-03 Phytochemistry SCI
Reline 体系中制备高耐腐蚀性 Ni-Fe-Sm 合金膜 赵静(学),陈必清 2022-04-23 中国表面工程 EI
Half-salen Fe(III) covalently post-modified MIL-125(Ti)-NH2 MOF for effective photocatalytic peroxymonosulfate activation 范艳 2022-04-15 Applied Surface Science SCI
Transcriptomics Reveals Host-Dependent Differences of Jie Wang(外),韩鸿萍 2022-03-25 Molecules SCI
基于ISM法分析高中化学教材人教版新版与实验版的异同——以铁及其化合物为例 郭珍,许秋琳(学),郭驹(外),莫尊理(外) 2022-03-15 青海师范大学学报(自然科学版)
In situ growth of 2D/3D Bi2MoO6/CeO2 heterostructures toward enhanced photodegradation and Cr(VI) reduction 高强 2022-03-15 Separation and Purification Technology SCI
Fabrication of Large-Area Short-Wave Infrared Array Photodetectors under High Operating Temperature by High Quality PtS2 Continuous Films 张祎辰(学),张明锦 2022-03-08 Electronics SCI
Pegylated dendritic polyurethane as unimolecular micelles for tumor chemotherapy: Effect of molecular architecture 陈渭 2022-03-01 International journal of pharmaceutics SCI
明胶基水凝胶生物材料的研究进展 陈渭 2022-01-31 青海师范大学学报(自然科学版)
Facile construction of fluorescent traceable prodrug nanosponges for tumor intracellular pH/hypoxia dual-triggered drug delivery 陈渭 2022-01-31 Colloid and Interface Science Communications SCI
基于超支化聚合物水凝胶的研究进展 吴奕璇(学),崔香 2022-01-30 现代化工 CSCD
流域生态过程与水环境效应研究进展 张玲 2022-01-25 环境科学学报 CSCD
Synergistic action of Pt and Nb2O5 ultrafine nanoparticles for bidirectional conversion of polysulfides in high-performance lithium-sulfur cells 刘雅静 2022-01-19 Chemical Engineering Journal SCI
Supported ionic liquid-copper catalyst for synergistically catalytic and highly efficient hydration of acetylene. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Zhang Qiang(外),马存花 2022-01-06 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy SCI
过渡金属催化烯烃和炔烃合成1,3-共轭二烯化合物研究进展 徐光利 2023-01-10 有机化学 SCI
过渡金属催化烯烃和炔烃合成 1,3-共轭二烯化合物研究进展 徐光利 2023-01-12 有机化学 SCI,CSCD
化铝基吸附材料制备及除氟研究进展 许乃才 2023-02-07 材料导报 EI
A robust anticorrosive coating derived from superhydrophobic, superoleophobic, and antibacterial SiO2@POS/N+ composite materials 苗丛丛,徐海东 2023-02-10 Materials Today Communications SCI
Rapid Adsorption Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solution using Manganese Dioxide Nanowires: Facile Synthesis, Characterization, Kinetics, Thermodynamics and Mechanism Analysis 许乃才 2023-02-15 ChemistrySelect SCI
Antibiotics affected the bacterial community structure and diversity in pore water and sediments with cultivated Phragmites australis in a typical Chinese shallow lake 张玲 2023-02-22 Frontiers in microbiology SCI
基于贵金属纳米颗粒生长的比色传感研究进展 殷博 2023-02-24 化学通报 CSCD
Designing a turn-on ultrasensitive fluorescent probe based on ICT-FRET for detection and bioimaging of Hypochlorous acid 朱继华 2023-02-24 Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy SCI
Characteristics of bacterial community structure and diversity in overlying water and sediments with Lotus in the Baiyangdian Lake, China 张玲 2023-03-02 Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology SCI
Preparation, modification and adsorption properties of spinel-type H 1.6 Mn 1.6 O 4 lithium-ion sieves with spiny nanotube morphology 许乃才 2023-03-03 Journal of Materials Sciences SCI
An ICT-PET dual-controlled strategy for improving molecular probe sensitivity: Application to photoactivatable fluorescence imaging and H2S detection 朱继华 2023-03-04 Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry SCI
Construction of Shape-Controlled MgO Microstructures by Natural Bischofite for Cost-Efficient Dye Adsorption 何欣芮(学),张明锦 2023-03-07 ChemistrySelect SCI
Coupling Ni3POM with FeOOH on BiVO4 Photoanodes for Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting 胡春联 2023-05-01 ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. SCI
介孔氧化铝纳米材料的制备及除氟性能研究 许乃才 2023-05-06 应用化工
基于课程思政的“无机化学”教学创新 许乃才 2023-05-10 西部素质教育
A nanoplatform Of Eu3+ @ citric acid-functionalized UiO-66: Facile preparation and highly-sensitive detection For Fe3+ and Cr2O7 2- ions in an aqueous system 范艳 2023-05-15 Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects SCI
Triterpenoid acids characterized by the oxidation of the C-27-methy from Yuanling Shao(外),韩鸿萍 2023-05-30 Fitoterapia SCI
Effects of antibiotics on the endophyte and phyllosphere bacterial communities of lotus from above and below surface water in a typical shallow lake 张玲 2023-05-31 Plant Physiology and Biochemistry SCI
Spatial variability, source identification and risks assessment of antibiotics in multimedia of North China's largest freshwater lake using positive matrix factorization and Monte Carlo simulation 张玲 2023-06-01 Journal of Hazardous Materials SCI


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